GrandMaster 2020 Calendar (Team DOC BROWN)
Happy JD'sGRANDMASTER New Year, World!!
What no better way to express our best wishes in a 365 days of a "Grand-Master PLAN" -to bring Public Awareness through Media Entertainment.
So [GO] initiate this 2020 YEAR, with a purchase and support for this Film that has a Purpose.
(A percentage of the sale goes towards the support for for their continuation of overseas supplemental feedings, education, medical assistance & for bringing Awareness to Human Trafficking here and abroad)
All for more than just a movie in the making, truly a Film with a Purpose...
(Coming soon Team MASTER WU Edition)
JDs GrandMaster 2020 Calendar
(Team DOC BROWN Edition) features:
-HD glossy high color 8.5"x11" finish
-Your favorite cast/character month
-Promotional businesses/services
-On the SET Film Location venues
-Production/Crew Members Birthdays
-One of a kind novelty item to possess
...and the significance of The H.U.G.S. Foundation Awareness monthly Tips on the topic of Human Trafficking.